Helping Hand

Humanitarian, Community, and Missionary Outreach

About Us

Who we are: The people that make up Helping Hand.

The Helping Hand team consists of like-minded individuals who have made it their life’s calling to help those in need.
Our team’s members – coming from seven different countries and various backgrounds – have chosen to live and work together as one family; enabling us to vastly enhance our efforts as well as greatly cut down our overhead. Members are non-salaried and rely on donations to cover costs.

Making the World a Better Place: Sharing the message of God’s love for humankind.

We aim to provide assistance, whether physical, emotional, or otherwise, to those in need, regardless of race, creed, or social status.
Our passion is to change the world through empowering people to develop a personal relationship with God, and in turn, to change their part of the world. We endeavor to walk in the footsteps of Jesus in word and deed and put His Golden Rule “do unto others what you’d like them to do to you” into daily practice.

Counseling and Life-Coaching: Providing spiritual and emotional support for managing the challenges of modern life.

Helping Hand volunteers provide opportunities for people’s spiritual/emotional support through means such as personal counseling and coaching, support groups, rehabilitation, and offering comfort and encouragement in times of distress or hardship.Members also engage in a variety of educational and character-building programs for children, as well as practical instruction for parents and educators.

Humanitarian Assistance: Enhancing the quality of life of the disadvantaged, displaced, and those without hope.

Members of Helping Hand strive to meet the needs of others through a wide range of humanitarian efforts, including emergency relief efforts, food and aid distribution, support of abused woman and children, distribution of aid packages for HIV/AIDS and TB, volunteer training, capacity building for the underprivileged, and education initiatives. We are constantly on the look-out to physically improve the structures and maintenance of existing initiatives. Members also provide emotional and spiritual support for relief workers, and engage in programs in hospitals, orphanages, creches, schools, refugee camps, and shelters.